FAQ: Questions You Should Ask a Trainer


As a trainer, I get asked a lot of questions by potential clients which I highly encourage. There are some really good questions that I will share with you in case you want to hire a trainer now or in the future.


  1. What are your credentials? This is a no brainer and extremely important. You want to make sure that the trainer you are hiring is qualified for the job. Would you hire a party planner to clean your teeth? This should be no different

  2. Are you CPR Certified? Just in case of an emergency it is good to know.

  3. Does your program include nutrition as well?

  4. Is your program customized? This one is super important as well. Many trainers nowadays just give you a cookie-cutter program for everyone to follow. However, it should not be like that! All my clients train differently because they are at a different age group, different goals, and may have different injuries.

  5. If you're doing online coaching, ask how they keep track of progress. With my online clients, I have them check-in with me once a week. This is important in order for me to know where you are at and for us to communicate. I need pictures in order to see if the program I am giving you is working. I also ask a list of questions that pertain to you to see if maybe you need more food, less cardio, etc. in order to reach your goals.

  6. Price. It’s important for everyone to be on the same page before you start working together.

  7. Availability. Make sure both your schedules work.

  8. Do you create meal plans? Will I eat the same thing every day? Some people don’t mind eating the same every day and others do. That’s ok. Your coach should be able to accommodate everyone.

  9. What is your style of training? Maybe your coach is more of a bootcamp style and you prefer a more relaxed environment. This is important to know so your not miserable during your session.

  10. Lastly, this is a question you should ask yourself: Do you vibe with them? Is there chemistry there? I don’t mean a romantic one but do you see yourself getting along with this person? Most likely you will be seeing them 2-3x a week so you want to get along and feel comfortable.


Are there any questions I missed? Comment below

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